Updating the world of good.


Roll up, roll up, and welcome to the updated Kireli! It’s Em here, and we’ve had a much needed sort out at ‘home’ to make sure what we’re offering is really clear.

Kireli as a business has been going through some changes in 2021. Good changes. Exciting changes. And we’re really looking forward to diving head first into what’s to come. So here’s a little insight into what’s been going on.


Firstly, it’s not just me leading things here anymore, say hi to Olly…

Back in 2016 when I decided to free fall into the world of being self employed, I met copywriter Olly Cooper. We worked together for two months at Ogilvy, and we got on really well despite being extremely opposite people. Over the years we’ve collaborated on a number of projects, and every now and again I’d suggest he come work with me.

Back in March, we were having a chat - righting the wrongs of the world (since that’s one of the things we do actually have in common). And once again I said ‘why don’t you come and work with me’ expecting the standard no.

But I got a different response this time, I got, ‘how would that work?’.

And we had a go at trying to figure it out.

April came along, and Olly hopped on the Kireli train to help me lay the tracks.

Which has led to some clarity too…

We’ve always been about doing good. That’s the core thing we will always, and have always believed in.

But we offer a wide range of services, and sometimes what we do hasn’t always been easy to explain. Having Olly join Kireli has forced us to be even clearer about what we offer, so we’ve spent some time trying to understand and articulate it in a way that’s simple:

And we do these things for businesses and organisations who want to make the world a good place to be. And what we are presenting to the world needs to reflect these things, which is why there’s been some changes around here.

We’ve also been cracking on with some fun work.

At the start of February we were approached by the University of Exeter to work on a project for people living with dementia, the project is pretty close to my heart as my mum was a carer for residents with dementia for over 30 years, and my grandma in Finland has Alzheimer’s. We’re still working on the project but we can’t wait to share the case study when we’re finished.

We were also approached by the National Literacy Trust to work on a really heartwarming and fun project that has been supported by Arts Council England, where we turned over 500 kids into published writers through their Connecting Stories project. It was a whirlwind task where we designed 8 books in three weeks. We just got some of the books through the post and it’s the most satisfying thing to see our work in print. That case study will be coming soon.

We’ve also been working with the lovely Liz Rae on a start-up idea she’s had. Watch this space.

Our ongoing work with Good-Loop has also seen their business donate over £2million to charity and we couldn’t be prouder to be working with such an innovative company and brilliant team.

We’ve also approached organisations we’d love to support with some brilliant proactive ideas. Watch this space and keep your fingers crossed for us please! These ideas need to become real.

Now we’ve got home sorted, what’s next?

Well, we’re focussed on the future. Both in the long term and the short term.

In the short term, we’d love to bring in some new business. We’re looking to build strong, long lasting relationships with purposeful business owners and other agencies (as we’ve done with our current clients). Supporting brands in their missions through creative thinking, branding and campaigns. If you know someone who should work with us please do put them in touch.

We’re also looking to support other businesses with our new Kireli Konsultancy, where we’ll be offering 5 free sessions every quarter to chat through brand, marketing or business issues that other founders may be facing.

In the long term, we want to grow. To inspire real change. Setting different precedents within our own business, and making sure all the work we do has a real impact in real peoples lives. You know, just simple things.

So let’s get this show on the road shall we?

Wish us luck.


Introducing Kireli Konsultancy


Hello 2021