Hello 2021


I haven’t posted in a while. I really just left Kireli to keep trundling along as normal for the second half of last year, rather than being focussed on the grand plans I had wanted to work on at the start of 2020, which FYI – I didn’t manage to meet one of them. I might usually be disappointed but I’m very much okay with that since the world is a bit topsy turvy right now. And the fact my little business survived it’s first birthday, and survived at all, relatively unharmed, is something I am incredibly grateful for.

We did a lot last year though. Working with some incredible clients who achieved amazing things, I also worked on establishing some amazing side projects that I’m very proud of and can’t wait to do more with: Quiet Strength, Pitches Be Crazy and Storytime Teas – keep your eyes peeled on that last one if you like stories and tea.

And I’m very much excited about what’s to come this year. I currently feel focussed, and I have spent some time really considering my goals, and how to meet them, and I thought I’d share some of them here:


  • Firstly – I want Kireli to have one or more retainer clients to take up 4 more days of my time a month. I love building strong reliable relationships with clients, and having those ongoing relationships provides value all round as you can learn and grow together.

  • I would like to work on roughly one branding project a month for the next year. The whole process of getting deep into the strategy and creating a beautiful, impactful brand for clients, has been second to none this year.

  • I would like to donate a project to a good cause, paying what I can forward.

  • I would like to launch an online shop for Kireli, something I’ve been meaning to do since I launched.


  • One of my goals is to learn more about marketing and PR as it would benefit almost all of the projects I’m working on, and I would like to find an effective marketing strategy for Kireli.


  • I would like a team around me to help move Kireli forward, and so I’ve been setting up a mastermind group of fellow female business owners. As we’re all invested in the futures of our own businesses, tackling similar problems I’m hoping that having this little team to bounce ideas off will help me move quicker.

  • I would really like to have a Kireli summer or birthday party with my collaborators, because I haven’t been able to do that since becoming self employed, and last year I just had me, with a little lemon cake at home on my own to celebrate our first birthday.


  • I would like to launch Storytime Teas, successfully, in a way that’s well thought out, and that meets all of our goals.

  • I would like to book in paid talks and workshops for Quiet Strength. And I’d like to gain some press for both Quiet Strength and Kireli.

  • I am going to work on publishing one YouTube video a week, that could be from a personal viewpoint, or talking about design and business things.


    It might seem like a lot, but some goals are longer term, and some will take no time, some are one offs, and some require consistency. But I hope that simply by writing these things here, putting them out there, telling you about them, I am already more likely to achieve them. My next step is to break each one down across the year, and to plan some concrete steps to achieving some of those bigger goals. 

    You need to work on your business as well as in your business so here is to me, doing more of that in 2021.


Updating the world of good.


How is branding different from advertising?