The Elevator Bitch Panel


SheSays London teamed up with Sonya Barlow from Like Minded Females to host The Elevator Bitch event.

Networking can be hard, so this event offered ideas and solutions to help ease the pain as a part of the SheStandsOut campaign.

The topic of introducing yourself to others, potential clients, at networking events and the like can be daunting. These kinds of questions are something that lots of us struggle with. Crafting an elevator pitch is harder than ever since our job titles no longer fully cover who we are and what we do. How to leave a positive and lasting impression within the first couple of minutes of meeting someone else? How to make people interested in you? Or perhaps you are now representing your company at an event, how do you make sure you give equal information about you and the company? How complicated!


Em was invited by Mikaela Rice to be part of the panel discussion, alongside Mamta Gera, Devina Paul, Neda Shadanlau and Natasher Beecher, and hoped to offer the perspective of how to network as an introvert.

The top tips that came up were:
1. Wear the items that help you feel powerful. And before an event take up space, roll your shoulders back and stand tall to tackle feeling nervous.

2. Introduce yourself with the titles you want to be remembered for, and you’re allowed to have more than one.

3. Give yourself a brief for networking. It can guide your approach.

4. Lean into your differences to be remembered. Learn what your charms are – maybe you go the extra mile, maybe you’re funny. Whatever it is make the most of it.

5. The best groups to approach at events are ones with 2-3 people in.

6. If you are an introvert lean into your digital networks, Facebook groups and Instagram are great places to connect with others – these platforms can allow your voice shine without being overcrowded by others.

7. Ask people open ended questions. The best connections come from relating to the personal stuff.


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